Professional Window Frosting

July 30, 2021 admin 0 Comments

Continuing on from where I abruptly left off in my last blog post, I really do think that finding myself a fully remote position might work best for me. Then at least when I feel sick I can help myself and not have to worry about my coworkers judging or gossiping about me. That way I don’t have to pretend to be overly excited about the new office tinting that my bosses paid way too much money for. I can just do my work at my own pace, and get it done quickly because I won’t have any distractions. 

I’m working from home today because of how sick I was feeling yesterday. My bosses had a field day when I told them that I wasn’t coming into the office, but I told them that it’s either that or I’m calling in sick and not working anyway. Obviously, they don’t want me to use a sick day and so they said that I can work from home, but it’s just examples like that which make me want to remove to a remote workforce. 

You know what, I’ve made my decision. I’m going to quit at the end of the week. I’ll come into the office on Friday and when it gets to 5 pm and they try to force us to hang around for after-work drinks, I’ll hit them with my letter of resignation. I’m going to write the letter as soon as I finish work today and in the letter, I’m going to tell them exactly why I’m quitting. I’m quitting because instead of spending money on setting all their employees up with workplace flexibility, they bought professional window frosting. Melbourne offices really don’t need all that glitz and glamour. Employees in these offices just need to be treated like real human beings. Surely it can’t be that hard.  

I’ll update you all on how my Friday afternoon goes in a couple of days. I’ll be a free woman then.

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