Tint Not Enough

July 27, 2021 admin 0 Comments

Hello and welcome back to my blog series about why being in the office sucks. My last two posts were about the impracticalities of being in the office and how annoying my coworkers are. This post is about how trapped I feel in the office. I feel trapped right now because I have such bad stomach cramps and I just have to suck it up and pretend like I don’t feel as if I’m going to vomit. If I was at home I could go and put a heat pack on my stomach and feel better, or worst-case scenario, I could vomit in the privacy of my own home. I can’t vomit in the office without everyone gossiping that I’m pregnant (which I’m not).

I’m sitting in my office right now trying not to look like I’m dying on the inside. I’m distracted and feel terrible, and I’ve been daydreaming because of it. I laughed to myself at the irony of me staring at the frosted window tinting, and how it’s there to make me feel like I’ve got privacy when I definitely do not. The whole concept of an office is just to watch employees anyway. As if companies really care about whether or not their employees are friends. They just want to make us seem like a ‘family’ so that they can get free labour out of us. 

Anyway, I don’t think I’m going to feel better any time soon. My stomach ache still hasn’t gone away and I’ve stopped finding the unfortunate irony of the office window tinting for Melbourne offices funny. It’s not funny that I have ‘privacy’ when in reality I don’t. It’s not funny that I’m forced to feel like I have to hide how I’m feeling, even though I’m on show 24/7.

I’m going to be honest, I’m thinking of quitting my job and finding a position that’s fully remote.

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