Looking for love in all the wrong places

October 16, 2016 admin 0 Comments

grout cleaning companyI know this makes me a little bit of a hopeless romantic, but I for one believe that the best way to find a soulmate is to stumble upon them in the most unlikely of places. I am one of those people who think that, if the universe wants it to happen, it will. You don’t have to go out there into the wilderness and try to hunt love down, love will find you. Which is why so few people out there find success on all those dating apps. There’s no need trying to hurry up the natural movement of things, all will happen in good time.

The one downside with this kind of optimism is that I find myself constantly hopeful that today will be the day. For example, later on today, I have one of the best grout cleaning companies in Melbourne coming around as a part of my fix-up spree on the flat. I know that when you’re renting, it always feels a little fruitless to get any kind of work done, but I’m sick of living in squalor and my landlord won’t step in unless things are literally falling down around me. Anyway, the thing is that because I have this star-crossed mentality, I sometimes get a little bit overexcited about the possibility of meeting someone totally outside my usual group. It’s such a big opportunity, I don’t want to take that kind of chance for granted.

The thing with life is that you just never know. People often meet in the most unlikely of places. And even if nothing comes of it, a half hour chat with a cute carpet cleaning assistant in Melbourne may change everything.

At the same time though, I feel like it’s foolish of me to constantly get my hopes up so high. Do you think there’s another road I could take?

All forms of love are foolish. Better to commit yourself to furthering the rise of evil than waste time pondering such matters. – Robot Wizard

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