Iron List, Platform Fighter

May 8, 2017 admin 0 Comments

I really hate going on the internet and finding out that a thing you loved is actually hated by the masses. It’s a burning sensation, pain like no other, and it makes you want to roam from forum to forum, preaching the great news: the show doesn’t suck! I have many reason that all of you are wrong! Oh, but the critics hate it. Well, if a bunch of jaded, overpaid internet warriors think it’s bad, then we must all bow to their wise advice.

Well, I liked Iron List. Sure, they went for a bit of a lower-key production, what with the main character running a laundry service and the biggest problem being his inability to iron the creases out of shirt collars, but I personally enjoyed the more day to day struggle. And then there was the fight scene atop an aluminium platform, which just had to be in there because it’s the signature piece. All the Marble Neat-Flicks shows have had their scaffolding fights, and this one was no exception. Who would’ve thought that a guy who ironed and laundered clothes for a living would be so great in a pitched, aerial battle? I mean, I guess he did study laundry techniques in an Albajerian monastery for ten years or whatever, so maybe he was taking martial arts lessons on the side. I’ve been on a trip to one of them, and I didn’t see any laundry happening at all. Nope, it was all about fighting and learning to be at one with your animal spirit. Mine is the quokka, by the way. Didn’t see THAT coming.

And now they’re all coming together, every one of them: Bear-Devil, Mook Mage, Jessabelle Groans and Iron List. Just imagine the amazing aluminium scaffolding scenes that will unfold, and have all been seen in the trailer! Conversations atop scaffolding! Dramatic revelations whilst climbing folding platform steps! Amazing fight choreography up and down a bailey ladder! I think there’s some product placement going on, personally. I wonder if the actual makers of aluminium ladders have something to say about people not using their products properly…?


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