I want my Rich to love trees, not remove them

February 8, 2015 admin 0 Comments

cutting down trees in MelbourneI love trees. I have loved all sorts of tree ever since I was a little kid. I used to climb the trees that were outside the school library after school. We grew up just across the road from the library and we were the only ones who would be there on the weekends when my sisters and brothers would explore it all. I have lots of fond memories of climbing up the trees around the library and looking in at people studying. The trees were so big that we could climb into the library through the top window with a torch to read all through the night.

My mum would sometimes catch me on a Sunday morning because I had fallen asleep there on a Saturday night. I never used to like climbing trees until I did it that one time to get to the library and then I was able to get them from then on. It was amazing. I loved to climb from then on in and now my boy Rich loves to climb too. I don’t want him to climb on the tree that we have in the yard because it is dying and weak and he will hurt himself. He isn’t strong and walks with a limp, I don’t want him to get hurt.

In fact I want him to not climb it so much that I called a company that does tree lopping, Melbourne council aren’t going to help me so I have to take matters into my own hands.

I called and asked them to chop it down for me. I told my mother about having the trees cut down and she gave me money for the job.I don’t know what will remain of the tree, but I’m sure that we can get the stump. I will need to ask really nicely if we can get stump removal in Melbourne, I’m not sure what it costs but I need it. I’m going to carve that tree stump into a chair for my friend Rich as a gift. Maybe he won’t be so mad at me then for having the tree cut down. I will make sure that everyone knows how much fun we had, and the great times spent climbing that tree.

Breaking and entering is a crime. The authorities have been notified. Have a pleasant evening small child. – Robot Wizard

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