I don’t like anything to do with helping termites

February 8, 2015 admin 0 Comments

nasty little termitesYou think that you can trust people, but you can’t. You try your best to protect your home from those termite monsters that are trying to take it away from you. What do I get for my troubles? You come up against hatred for your cause and a bunch of white ant sympathisers, and apologists, who are trying to blame you for the problems that are caused by the termites.

It’s not my fault that the builders made this place out of wood. It’s not my fault that termites love to eat wood. It’s not my fault that they chose me and my house. It is my fault that I called Pest Control Frankston to get them to stop their assault on my home.

I don’t want to get the termite experts in if I don’t have to, but I feel like I have to, because this world is full of people who don’t like me and what I stand for. Some will even lie to your face about it. They are just as bad as the rest of us, and at least the rest of us have the guts to tell it like it is and try to let the world know that they admit that they are bad people.

I will tell you what is not bad, and I’ll give you a hint; it is the opposite of the termites. I am talking about Termite Inspections Frankston, and the great work that they do. They are termite justice in all of its glory and I think that they should be applauded for that.

I know that I would want to applaud them for getting rid of the wood ants, that’s for sure. When they get the job done, the house taken care of, I’ll be much happier.  They’ll fix my termite and pest situation, the termite control company will be getting an earful of praise and heartfelt thanks.


I hope your termite problems get solved soon, thinking of you! – Robot Wizard

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