Failed Solar Presentation

April 7, 2021 admin 0 Comments

I just presented my whole detailed, researched commercial solar energy argument to my family. It didn’t actually go as well as I had expected. As soon as I walked out of my bedroom with my handmade posters my sister groaned. You should have seen her when I hooked my laptop up to the TV. She asked if she could be excused and my parents said no. They didn’t look as enthused as I thought they would either, but at least they sat down and told me to continue.

My family listened to the whole thing, and my sister sat there on her phone which I guess counts as listening. I thought they’d be more supportive throughout the presentation, maybe nodding their heads or saying that they agreed with me. But they didn’t do any of that. They said nothing until I finished and then they said that were a part of these power purchase agreements and they couldn’t change to solar energy even if they wanted to. It also sounded like they didn’t really want to. I’m a bit shocked.

Pretty much as soon as they said that I went to my bedroom and I haven’t come out since. It’s been a couple of hours now and no one has come in to chat to me about it, so I think I’m just going to go to bed and see what they say in the morning. Good night.

I just woke up thinking that last night was a horrible dream. It took me about five milliseconds to remember that it was real and that my family weren’t supportive of my solar energy information presentation at all. I was feeling so positive yesterday during the day when I was finishing my presentation in my room. I thought for sure that my parents would get on board. A lot of my friends have been able to get their parents to change their business to solar energy… so why can’t I?

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