Just Chill About the Children

September 12, 2018 admin 0 Comments

As president of the Old-School Parenting Club, we like things to be pretty relaxed. Like, we had a meeting tonight and half the members couldn’t make it, but it was no biggie. Some people tuned in on Skype…and we were okay with that. Life is busy and you take things as they come.

Anyway, most of the reason we get together is to talk about what our kids have been up to, especially since we let our children have a lot of freedom and just be themselves or whatever. We also like to do things specifically to annoy those helicopter people.

Of course, that means we LOVE kids party venues. Springwood has very few indoor places for kids to play and this centre is my favourite. I’m not a lazy parent; I just want to let my kids run off and do their thing, climbing over the frames and using their imagination. And if that means I get to drink coffee while I watch them, then sure. That’s good for me as well. And I do WATCH them, I’m not negligent. The Old-School Parenting Club just believes in pushing back on this cotton-wool culture and allowing kids to be kids, instead of hovering around and hanging off them like an old, dead goose.

Play centres are just perfect in that regard. They’re the happy medium of being really safe spaces (there are regulations or whatever…), but also giving your kids a great opportunity to socialise. Meeting other kids is a great way to make sure they grow up right. And they clean the place every day, so no reason to freak out about ‘germs’ or whatever.

Oh, and tonight Judy said that you can get someone in to do a kid-friendly murder mystery, which sounds AWESOME for a party. Man, if only I could have booked the best birthday party venues Fountain Gate has to offer for my kids birthdays this year. I don’t think they even had such places back when I was a kid. We just climbed a lot of trees. That was fun as well.


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